Webinar: Appreciative Inquiry as a Research Method for Qualitative Research and Prospective Theory Building for the Age of Enlivenment

March 14, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Join the guest editors, Dr. David Cooperrider and Dr. Lindsey Godwin, for the February 2024 special issue of The AI Practitioner Journal which focuses on Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as an approach to “future forming” research. This special issue is a homecoming to the original vision of Appreciative Inquiry as a research methodology that creates future-forming, generative and prospective theory. The special issue’s audience includes researchers, students, teachers, evaluation specialists, and most importantly, practitioners—including every single practitioner who wants to take their AI and systems change skills and impacts to a more powerful and deeper level. After briefly highlighting the 9 articles in the special issue, we will explore further how AI can help us eclipse the theory or practice divide.

March 14, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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