We Are Stories: How AI Connects Us, Builds Trust, and Turns Dreams into Realities with Joep de Jong

Ever since he joined British Telecom (BT) as a senior executive in 1998, Joep de Jong has been using Appreciative Inquiry (AI) to lead, coach, and facilitate change and innovation in organizations . He consults and leads lectures on leadership, change management, organization development, and intercultural work at organizations ranging from the UN’s World Food Program, the European Space Agency to small and big for profit organizations. He is particularly interested in the sustainability of AI in organizations and in the use of it in every day processes (strategic planning, facilitation, coaching, appraisals etc.) in order to achieve the best possible results. Core in his approach is a strong belief in the possibilities and potential that resides in us all. He joins us to share where he has seen AI have a big impact. From mergers, to layoffs, to domestic violence, he demonstrates how AI, and the power of storytelling, can make a meaningful difference.

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Episode Highlights:

  • Joep shares how one of the most powerful invitations in Appreciative Inquiry, that of storytelling,  immediately “sold” him on the approach.
  • He notes how during a technical merger between two companies, storytelling was an integral part of building trust between the two teams.
  • Joep talks about his favorite go-to tool for co-creating visions and values: The Wall of Wonder.
  • Using an appreciative approach and truly walking the talk of his belief in relationships helped Joep during a particularly difficult round of layoffs 
  • He shares how he helped facilitate discussions around domestic violence, using Appreciative Inquiry to help them focus on peace in the house.
  • Joep is credited with the quote, “A problem is nothing but a frustrated dream.” He challenges us to prove him wrong.
We are stories. Of course, we are all, you know, 70% water and some bones, and whatever kilograms or pounds or whatever. But basically we are stories….When you listen to somebody and you listen to his or her stories …this is when a world becomes revealed

If you would like to learn from or work with Joep, consider connecting with him at daretoimagine.today.

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